Phone: 03 9545 0569
Fax: 03 9590 0147
For appointments,
please email your referral letter and contact number to
Our staff will call within 3-5 business days to confirm a date and time.
Please email or fax your referral letter and one of our friendly booking staff will call you within two business days to confirm a date and time.
** If you require an urgent appointment, please call our office during our business hours to speak with one of our friendly medical receptionists.
On the Day of the Procedure
Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing and shoes to your procedure and do not bring any valuables with you.
The Glen Endoscopy Centre does not take any responsibility for the damage or loss of any valuables.
Your appointment time is the time you arrive at the centre and not necessarily the time your procedure will start. We endeavour to keep your waiting time to a minimum however due to unexpected complications, there may potentially be a delay. You will need to allocate about 2-3 hours at our centre. This includes waiting time, procedure time and recovery time.
You will need to bring to your appointment your GP referral letter, Medicare card, Private Health Insurance details and a list of current medications.
Following your procedure, you must have a responsible adult drive you home and stay with you for the rest of the day and overnight. You will not be permitted to use public transport, walk or drive yourself following the procedure. You may use a Taxi or Uber only if you are accompanied by a responsible adult.
Prior to discharge, you will be reviewed by the specialist who will discuss the findings of your procedure with you and give you instructions about the required follow up. You will also receive a hard copy of your report.
You are encouraged to stay home and rest after the procedure. The anaesthetic may affect you for 24 hours so you must not drive any car/bike/vehicle, use public transport, resume work, operate machinery or sign a legal document.
If you have any problems or concerns related to the procedure, please contact the doctor who performed your procedure or your local doctor.
In an emergency, please go to your nearest hospital emergency department or call 000 for an ambulance.​​
Deferring the Procedure
Please inform our staff if any of the following applies to you as you may need to delay your procedure:
You are pregnant or there is a possibility of pregnancy.
You have an active viral or bacterial illness.
In the last 10 days, you had an respiratory infection (cold, sore throat, runny nose, fever, flu, sinusitis) or gastroenteritis.
You have an acute medical or surgical condition that needs to be sorted out first.